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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween...headed to a costume party. This was a last minute decision to go- so here we are. Not sure what "we" are tonight....little bit of punk, rock and goth and glitter (always have to have the fairy dust). Have a wonderful safe night. I miss taking my son out to trick or treat...hum...how time fly's so quickly. He's with a friend being safe and making good choices..I am sure of it.
~jodi (the rocker girl-well...tonight anyway)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Snow Day

(had one yesterday too)

I am super excited!! No work today and we didn't work yesterday either due to our lovely snow here in Denver. Wow...it's beautiful- very cold.... but beautiful.

So...bumped into this lovely "fun" fabric while in Houston. Whipped up a couple "trick or treat" bags for a couple gal pals. Thought i'd share em here on my blog. I may make a couple more today...they were quite popular!! :)

Today...gonna do some more sewing and i'd like to paint some canvas to prepare for fabric books. Have an awesome day!

(ha! I just love em).......
Peace out-

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I shall create today

Today was the day for me to create and express myself. I had an absolute BLAST!! Good music, a cup of hot chocolate and my Lucy curled at my feet...ahhhhh- what more can a women ask for.

I created TODAY!! i have been spending sooo much time admiring the works of others and today i sat in the drivers seat. Sometimes I feel that i do more looking and admiring that creating.

This is a work in progress- a photo transfer and fabric collage technique i learned in Houston (by Lesley Riley- hope you all check out her blog...awesome artist!). Used lots of scraps and still need to embellish- this was really fun. I will make many more - i have SO many photos and can't wait to use my vintage pics. This is a self portrait with black ink.

Here- I used a Halloween photo from a few years past and stitched it onto a piece of scrapbook paper- this was fun too (hope my lovely friends don't mind being a part of my blog post-ha!). By the way...i'm on the far right (lovely dreads right?)...I LOVE Halloween!

Hope you too created today.
Jodi :)

Houston Trip


My first time ever to attend THE 2009 International Quilt Festival. All I can say is WOW! I had and shared a wonderful time with my dear mother Rosalyn, my Aunt Linda and Grandmother Bea. My Grandma is a fabulous quilter and has been featured in several quilting magazines and calender. She put the needle in my mom's hand and my mom passed it to me. Thanks mom! We all enjoyed each other and really had a great time.

Mom and I enjoyed the hotel and it's mod style. It was lovely. We enjoyed cocktails early evenings and warm cookies w/milk after dinner. Dang was this FUN!

Some art we ran into in the hotel. It appeared to be aluminum cans that had been cut into rings...super cool and so colorful. Didn't see the artists name anywhere to be found.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Halloween

Hello- hope you are snuggled and warm if you are in the Denver area...heck...it's just darn right cold out there today. A little snow fell from the heavens this am and it was beautiful! It didn't stick...that too is beautiful!
I am headed to Houston this week to attend the 2009 Quilt Festival- they will have many booths with mixed media as well (can't wait for that). My Grandma Bea has invited my mom, aunt and myself to enjoy!!! We are all very excited...i am gonna come back on fire and ready to create!
Thought i'd share what i did all morning...1st off- got the idea from the recent Somerset (my mind doesn't think up things like this-yet anyway). I sketched the design onto my wood, wood-burned the design and then went to town with paint, layers of tissue paper (you can't see them in the pic), more paint and of course...a crap load of glitter! I LOVE glitter---enjoy. Hope you are all making something fun today too!