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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring is in the air...

Good Morning to all...to the world.
I went for a walk this am (took my Lucy). Matthew (my son) was asleep- we we left him sleeping.  Felt good to get outside and feel the air on my cheeks. Feels good to breathe deeply. I think walking makes me aware of my body- aware of my being.
Today- (this may sound silly) but I am going to treat myself like a queen. This for me means eating healthy (making good food choices for my mind and body); give myself a little foot massage after my warm shower and splash on some of my favorite perfume Miracle (i only use a smidge so it will last me throughout the year). I will say self-afirmations throughout the day (exp.  I am beautiful- I am strong- I am lovable). Long story short...I will treat myself today like I treat my best friends, my mother, my sisters (all the other special ladies in my life)...and that's pretty darn awesome.
I'm gonna do some art today as well. This always makes for an awesome day. It's palm Sunday- one of my favs as well.
Be good to yourself today! Love yourself! Do a little (lots) self-care today!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sibling Love

Sibling Love...it's strong and yet very fragile. If we could go back in time, I would love my siblings with tenderness- embrace them with my heart- my protection.
I love you my siblings...my brother Joel (you make me feel safe with your strong arms around me- i feel strong when you are with me). My younger sis Vanessa- aka Ness (you make me laugh and smile- just hearing your voice makes my heart smile). My youngest sis Amanda -aka Beez (you are so real- your love is raw and so powerful- i so admire you and your strength). I love my siblings with all my heart- mind and soul. I wish i could hug and love them right now...if we could turn back the hands of time- i would. I would love you all a little more.

This is a pic of my niece and nephew (Leilani and her baby brother Jediah- taken several months ago).
The sibling LOVE is so strong and evident at such a young, tender age...

Sibling LOVE- there's nothing quite like it.


ps- I'm off to get some clay and have some fun today. It's snowing outside and all i need is a little coffee to go with my day of art (that's the plan anyway).