Just enjoying the weekend...it's still outside and the sun is shining. I have had a pitcher of Passion Tazo tea and enjoyed a cold glass outside with my Lucy. Had a fun morning and painted a little last night. I have soo missed painting and creating- been busy with life and work. We must MAKE time for our fun- for our passion. Doesn't matter if it's big or small or what it is. We all know what fires us up...what makes our engines run. I know what does it for me- what does it for you?? Here's a couple pages...not sure if i like em...but it's what was created and it released lots of stress. The lady isn't finished- need to work on the bird and add lots of glitter (not done till i do this). Have fun today! :)
I love that you are so free to express your feelings through your artwrok without fear of intimidation. Your work is beautiful, and your soul signs through. What a lovely woman you have turned into.
I'm so glad that you are finding joy in your creativity at a time when you have to make time. Because that is hard to do. We often just go day to day surviving and plugging through. But by taking the time to paint and be creative, you actually make all of the other stuff easier to deal with. Keep plugging along and know that I am thinking of you often. Peace be with you.