Hi everyone! OMGoodness- i have been looking forward to this all day! You'd think i was doing a drawing for a car or something massive!
OK....i couldn't find a fancy hat...truth is- i was too excited to look for one. came home from work- took my Lucy girl out to go potty and hopped on our blog to check out the giveaway.
So here it is...
winner of my mom's little fabric bowl.............(drum roll)............Vivian
winner of my sterling silver, crystal earrings..........(drum roll)............Staci
WINNERS: Please send me an e-mail with your address asap so i can get your treasures out to you in the mail. My e-mail address is jlsparklz@comcast.net
I can't thank you all enough for stopping by a taking a look at our creations!!!! This is the first time i have ever participated in something like this...and for women to take a peek into my life and leave such sweet comments makes my heart fill with joy! Thanks for filling my cup...my mom's too. She was on the phone with i did the drawing of the names. Also...a special thanks to Vanessa Valencia for hosting such an awesome party!!!! You can find her here... http://afancifultwist.typepad.com/a_fanciful_twist/
This is so cool- thanks again. Have a wonderful evening and enjoy!!!!! We will have more giveaways so i hope you can make your way back to our blog and check in....peace.
~jodi :)
mom's in town!